Policy-makers are operating in a rapidly-changing world. Shifting demographics, urbanization and climate change are just a few of the long-term and systemic trends reshaping 21st century government.
With finances tight, growth stalling and unemployment high, the legacy of the financial crisis continues to play out across borders.
Our Government & Public Sector services aim to be the preferred partner in driving transformational change for governments around the world. In countries large and small, developed and emerging, we understand the issues and can provide services that will have lasting impact.
Education is one of the world’s fastest growing industries. Globalization, new technologies and a knowledge economy that is dependent on high quality and effective education are rapidly transforming the sector, requiring innovative thinking to deliver performance improvement across the industry.
Digital Government is a powerful tool to enable the provision of better public services to citizens and businesses. We can provide end-to-end services and consultation for the public sector in implementing Digital Government. From defining Digital Government strategy to the final implementation, with our rich expertise we can fill every element, including strategy development, target group identification and expectation gathering, blueprint creation, process re-engineering, information technology development and audit, implementation.
Infrastructure investment and development is a top priority for governments globally — an indispensable necessity for poverty reduction, social progress and inclusive economic growth. While rapid urbanization is putting pressure on emerging markets to develop critical new infrastructure, developed economies need to expand existing infrastructure due to aging assets and sustained underinvestment.
With global population expected to reach 8 billion by 2025, infrastructure investments are needed to supply sufficient water, roads, housing and power. Among the issues facing governments are:
We provide support from the earliest stages of analysis, from project evaluation to procurement, financial close, construction, operations. We can assist our clients in devising and comparing financial plans and delivery approaches for projects that involve public, federal or private financing, project revenues and/or grants — and provide support to our clients in their implementation of those plans.
Systemic problems continue to echo across developing countries. Extreme poverty and hunger, child mortality, energy security and gender equality are just some of the issues requiring attention. Development assistance remains integral to the fight against global poverty. However, effectively deploying such assistance is rarely straightforward.
The problem of unemployment has impacted both developed and developing economies, particularly the youth. Over the last few years, the number of people estimated to be out of work has grown to more than 200 million. Governments are turning to entrepreneurs and the private sector in the recognition that they are significant engines of both job creation and economic growth. We believe governments, entrepreneurs and corporations must work together to avoid a lost generation. We have created a framework to help governments harness private sector development. The framework helps federal and provincial governments, donor agencies, and international economic development agencies , not-for-profit organizations to drive inclusive growth through job creation. It is designed to encourage entrepreneurial activity in organizations of all sizes and attract domestic and international investment.
Shifting demographics and limited financial resources have accelerated the need for governments to act systematically, swiftly and decisively. The value of pension promises made to retiring baby boomers may be up to 100% greater than initially expected. Policymakers now need to consider not only the short- and long-term sustainability of their pension and retirement policies and systems, but to do so without delay. Few countries have clear answers or have yet taken steps to effectively respond to, and prepare for, the new environment. Constant review, adjustments and reform are now required. As policymakers consider how to make pensions and retirement sustainable and whether pensions are best delivered by the public or private sectors or a mix of both.
Business and tax landscapes are changing dramatically, and the pace and complexity of change continues to increase. Provlab helps clients across the globe navigate this shifting landscape. Governments are tempering the need for revenue with increased competition for labor and capital. Tax authorities are adapting their enforcement strategies, focus and policies in response to the changing dynamics of business. Our Global GPS Tax team can provide tax compliance and advisory services, tax policy development, as well as support the strengthening and modernization of tax and customs administrations.
Transport is vital to any nation’s prosperity and standard of living. The solutions required to solve transport challenges are becoming increasingly complex. With government funding now very limited, governments need to be innovative to increase competitiveness through improvements in transport efficiency and customer service in the face of population growth and capacity constraints.